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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

Let's Get Sexual(ly Educated)

Comments: 1    

By: Taylor Gould

Okay people, put on your big kid pants. Stop giggling. This is serious. Do you know where babies come from? As humorous as this is, this is an issue over which educators all over the U.S. are torn. Should we provide sexual education for our students?

Nokomis answered with a "no," making health class the only thing nearly resembling sex ed.

Is this, however, for the better of our students' body? As you may or may not know, throughout the many years this amazing school has been around, it has earned a fairly indecent nickname: Knockemupis. Though, according to a comprehensive report done by the CCSSO, Maine was far lower in teen pregnancy rates than the national average (25.4 to 43 as of 2002), it is because of the very good sexual education courses Maine's government have, which Nokomis has not taken advantage of.

And, according to a study of British and American high schoolers, entitled Sexually Transmitted Infections, the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in high school students over the last ten years has been very steady, not inclining, nor declining. Furthermore, the average student doesn't actually know how to properly use a condom.

Sexual education courses also encourage kids to wait to have sex, increases the use of condoms, decreases the number of sexual partners a person has, and decreases the frequency with which teens have sex, says the Family Planning Association of Maine.

I think it's completely ridiculous that in a world like we have today, with deadly epidemics like AIDS, teen pregnancies as high as 40 percent nationwide, and abortions totaling 1,293,000, we don't have a sexual education program.

It's not common sense like most people at this age believe. There's a lot of chance involved in sexual activity, but that chance can be seriously reduced if we know what we're doing.

I think it's time to stop being Knockemupis, and start being sexually educated.

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u know who on April 7, 2008 at 1:36 PM
i'm sure that u never have sex..right tylor..


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