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Warrior Time: Waste of Time?

Comments: 3    

By Micah Brown 
Pointless. That's the basic idea of what most students think of Warrior Time.
For some, it cuts into their favorite classes, it causes the Tri-County Tech students to arrive late for their training. But for most, it just seems like a pointless waste of time.
When students were asked exactly what they thought of Warrior Time, some responded with a mild apathy, while most made their opinions known with derogatory, unprintable phrases and terms.
The reason for the students' apparent annoyance, seems to have stemmed up from the "stupid" activities that they have been required to partake in, thus far (i.e. singing the school song).
There are, however, a few people that don't mind Warrior Time, all that much, because they get to see friends that they wouldn't during a regular school day. These students, unfortunately, are few and far between, and none seem to be influential persons in the student body.
Mrs. Gould, head of the English Department, is optimistic about Warrior Time. She likes it because, "It gives teachers the ability to get to know a small group and watch them develop." It is important for every student to have an adult advocate, she said.
She also remains hopeful that students will warm up to Warrior Time eventually, noting that the Freshmen don't seem to mind it as much as the upperclassmen.

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Aimee (Homepage) on October 11, 2006 at 4:51 PM
WARRIOR TIME??? I can't believe the ignorance this school has. Nokomis is the worst school ever. I am so glad I graduated from here when we didn't have these stupid things like warrior time and others. I'm just sad my sister and brother have to put up with it for four more years....:(


Taylor (Homepage) on October 27, 2006 at 9:03 PM
I completely disagree. I think it's a very worthwhile program. I mean seriously people, you don't like it? So what. Do you like the majority of your other classes? No. Think of it as another class and stop complaining.
It's ridiculous the kind of reception this is getting.
Hope you're all ready for the real world. It'll come at you fast.
And as far as Nokomis being the worst school ever, and it's "ignorance", do some research. Maine, and Nokomis, are very good vessels for education. I can see where the ignorance really lies. And plus, school is like any other thing. You get what you put in.
Please, take a closer look at life and education as a whole, see the big picture, before you write next time.


linsay on April 7, 2008 at 1:30 PM
well maybe the freshmen, and sophmores should just have warrior time! we don't learn anything, all we do is stand there! and i would very much like it if we weren't late on dexter days, wensdays r horrible we are so busy and when we get there late we get half of the food prept and nothing to serve during bresk! thank you!


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